Legal Notice
Vishal Prasad
Room F03, Level 2, SINPF
Mendana Avenue
Honiara Solomon Islands
P O Box 1015
Registration number: CT 100 of 2019
Tax Identification Number: 1276693
Registered in the Solomon Islands
Responsible for content as per Section 55, II RStV (Interstate Broadcasting Agreement):
Vishal Prasad (see above for address)
1. Legal Disclaimer
The contents of this website have been created with the greatest care. However, the site owner assumes no guarantee for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-date nature of the content provided. The use of the contents of the website is done at the user’s own risk. Articles marked with the name of the author only reflect the author’s opinion and not always the opinion of the site owner. The mere use of the site owner’s website does not lead to a contractual relationship being established between the user and the site owner.
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For further details please visit our Privacy Policy.